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  5. Malay Pittu

Malay Pittu (Malay recipe)


  • 500 gms

  • 1 ½ cups

  • 1 cup

  • Rice or wheat flour

  • well roasted

  • Cooked rice

  • (Red, white or samba)

  • Coconut scrapped

  • Coconut water

  • Salt to taste


  • Add Rice and scrapped coconut and mix well.

  • Add salt and little coconut water and mix well.

  • Then add flour, little at a time and stir several times until you get small round grains.

  • Then heat the water and place the pittu bamboo over it.

  • When you see steam rising from the bamboo, add the grains and close lid for few minutes.

  • When steam rises from the pittu bamboo remove and place on a dish.

  • You may serve this with coconut milk, beef satay as well as onion sambal.

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