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  5. Malay Dodol

Malay Dodol (Malay recipe)

Dodol is popular in Malay community, and is usually served during Eid festivals and special occasions. Unlike other versions of dodol recipes, the Malays only use jaggery to sweeten the confection. Most others use a combination of sugar and jaggery, or only sugar. This lends Malay dodol a unique chewy texture with caramalised crumbs on top.


  • 500 gr flour

  • 2 ½ kg jaggery

  • 10 pints coconut milk (from 6 large coconuts)

  • Cardamoms

  • Chopped cashew nuts


  • Liquidise the scraped coconut and obtain 10 pints of coconut milk.

  • Put the milk in a large pan and add the flour and jaggery (broken up into pieces).

  • Place the pan on the fire stirring the mixture all the time. As the mixture thickens an iron spoon must be used for stirring.

  • When the dodol mixture separates from the oil, remove the oil, add the cardamoms and the chopped cashew nuts. Care should be taken not to let the mixture stick to the bottom of the pan.

  • When very thick, turn it out on a flat dish or tray.

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