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  5. Inippu thosai

Inippu thosai (Mullaitivu)

While referred to as 'thosai' in Mullaitivu, the addition of an egg to the mixture, makes this recipe more of a pancake than a thosai. Misnomer aside, the delicate, light pancake folds into itself, enclosing a spoonful of juicy, sweet coconut mixture that's a lovely tea time snack.

  • MAKES 12


  • 3 1/2 cups plain flour

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 egg

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • Water

  • 2 cups grated coconut

  • 1/2 cup sugar

  • 1/2 cup brown sugar


  • A thosai pan or medium-sized frying pan


  • In a bowl, mix plain flour and baking powder.

  • Make a well in centre and add egg and salt. Mix with wooden spoon.

  • Add enough water to make a pancake-like batter.

  • Set batter aside for 3 hours

  • After 3 hours, stir batter again

  • Heat and grease a those pan or frying pan. Spread a thin layer of mixture over pan and fry those until it turns light golden. Repeat with rest of the batter. Set stack of pancakes aside.

  • In a bowl, mix grated coconut, sugar and brown sugar.

  • Place spoonful of sweet coconut mixture in the centre of each those and fold those into a ‘pocket’ or roll, with coconut mixture inside.

  • Serve warm

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